Download Octave For Mac

How to download and install Octave running in Ubuntu Linux in VirtualBox on a Mac. Check how much disk space and memory your machine has. First, save anything you are working on before you start this process, in case anything goes astray. First, open your favorite Web browser, you can use Safari or any other Download the Octave installation file from the trusted download button link on above of this page Select Save or Save as to download. How do I install Octave on Mac. Download the appropriate Dynare package for your version of Mac OS X from the website. Install Dynare by double-clicking on the package and following the installation instructions. Mac Os Versions; Octave (itch) Mac Os X; Most of the time, installing things with MacPorts is pretty easy; however, I have found that GNU Octave can be a little tricky.

Octave Version 5.2.0 has been released and is now available for download.An official Windows binary installer is also available.For macOS see the installation instructions in the wiki.

This version is a bug fixing release:


  • Avoid color changes in MS Windows GUI terminal(bug #57658).
  • Lock amd and symbfact to avoid segmentation fault with SuiteSparse(bug #57435).
  • Fix segfault when calculating patch vertex normals(bug #57353).
  • Fix segfault in constructing patch normals for lighting(bug #57353).
  • mat2str.m: Fix for logical matrix (add transpose).
  • improve file equality check for MS Windows(bug #55161).
  • ismember.m: Fix second return argument when values are complex(bug #52437).
  • findobj.m: Fix typo and correctly handle numeric properties(bug #57030).
  • Correctly display integer types with format hex(bug #56966).
  • Cast winqueryregREG_DWORD types to DWORD(bug #56703).
  • Fix numerous errors in audiowrite / audioread(bug #56889).
  • print.m: Pass quoted path to octave-svgconvert(bug #56768).
  • dir.m: Fix occasionally returning incorrect folder field(bug #55448).
  • Stop segfault when calling 3-input form of diag with cell arrays(bug #56711).
  • improve message for setting breakpoint in nonexistent function(bug #56157).
  • Use framebuffer object for printing invisible Qt figures on mac(bug #55268).
  • Escape backslash characters in EPS output(bug #56448).
  • Use replacement characters to display non UTF-8 strings in figures(bug #55974).
  • inputrc: Add warning about modification(bug #56079).
  • (global_search): just return if query string is empty(bug #56388).
  • Default (c)transpose for old style class arrays(bug #56323).
  • Always reserve at least 1 element of storage for sparse matrices(bug #56232).
  • Don’t segfault at exit after reading malformed HDF5 file(bug #56149).
  • Fix pause() with no arguments called on Windows(bug #55943).
  • refactor minimum eigenvalue index search in qp(bug #56037).
  • qp: fix obscure corner case when calculating qp caused by a typo(bug #56037).
  • use std::streampos instead of std::ios::streampos(patch #9782).
  • fix pause and kbhit with glibc 2.28 end-of-file state behavior(bug #55029).
  • Fix return of left-handed vectors when inputs are complex(bug #56026).
  • waitbar.m: Fix hang when using createcancelbtn property(bug #55963).
  • shading.m: Fix unexpected error when multiple hggroups present(bug #55993).
  • dec2base.m: Correctly handle zero matrix input(bug #56005).
  • eliminate duplicate graphics callback object stack(bug #55908).
  • Improve performance when closing figures(bug #55908).
  • Reduce time to process pkg -forge list by 30X(bug #39479).
  • Feed fig2dev with PDF files converted from svg(bug #55906).
  • Improve error checking for iconv_open.
  • poly.m: fix the fix for input of complex conjugate pairs(bug #53897).
  • mkoctfile: use the TMPDIR environment variable if set(bug #55814).
  • line.m: Fix creation of unwanted axes(bug #55840).
  • Accept 4-input form for quiver3(bug #55570).
  • pkg.m: restore installing packages from zip archives(bug #55788).
  • axis.m: Fix issues with equal argument(bug #55619,bug #55614,bug #55574,bug #55514,bug #54848,bug #53724,bug #53504,bug #53336,bug #51938,bug #50356).
  • ordeig.m: Do not fail on 1x1 matrices(bug #55779).


  • fix editors search and replace in selection(bug #56405).
  • undo a complete replace all action in the editor(bug #56405).
  • fix missing unlock of mutex when gui editor is not present(bug #56097).
  • prevent unnamed editor tab from being closed by rmdir(bug #55888).
  • prevent editor from closing files that are not affected by rmdir(bug #55823).
  • fix creating keyword files for editor autocompletion(bug #55835).
  • fix dock widget position when being dragged out of the main window(bug #55704).

Build system / Tests

  • fetch upstream gnulib changes using git fetch
  • update gnulib archive if requested changeset is not in the local archive
  • eliminate gnulib subrepo(bug #57044).
  • configure: prevent overlinking when SUNDIALS is disabled(bug #55956).
  • use QtCore and Qt5Gui modules instead of Qt5OpenGL(bug #55735).
  • make building with Qt4 QGLWidget work again(bug #55735).
  • build: adapt to changes in Texinfo 6.7.
  • BIST should not rely on the current directory to be writable.
  • Fix test.
  • maint: Make old style class tests Matlab compatible.
  • Add BIST tests for unlink(bug #56097).


  • fix many spelling errors(bug #57613).
  • help: improve documentation for the startup.m user script.
  • avoid conflict with @seealso macro in Texinfo 6.6(bug #55952)
  • Also translate @seealso here.(bug #55952).
  • makeinfo.m: Also translate @seealso here(bug #55952).
  • polar.m: Document that input is expected to be in radians(bug #57052).
  • gallery.m: Fix typo in docstring for poisson(bug #56267).
  • Add 1024x1024 Octave logo icon(bug #55836).
  • add .editorconfig for default file encoding and indentation.
  • octave.doap: Copy localized (short) description over from appdata(bug #55279).
  • org.octave.Octave.appdata.xml: Add German and French description(bug #55279).
  • languages/*.ts: updated language files(bug #55772).
  • quiver3.m: Fix texinfo typo in docstring from cset f7b10bd40045.
  • doc: fix . Operator Index entry to build with Texinfo 6.7.
  • doc: improve example of using global variables from oct-files.
  • doc: Create en-dashes and em-dashes correctly in documentation.
  • doc: expand page_output_immediately doc string, mention page_screen_output.
  • doc: Clarify documentation of history_file(bug #57027).
  • doc: Improve documentation for get_help_text, get_help_text_from_file.
  • doc: Add documentation for GNUTERM variable used with gnuplot(bug #56906).
  • doc: Improve contour docstring example(bug #56849).
  • doc: Add example to show limitations of the given BLAS integer size.
  • doc: Improve documentation of sparse functions.
  • doc: Improve spelling of bicgstab(bug #56812).
  • doc: Remove Map functions keys, values, remove from unimplemented list(bug #56718).
  • doc: Add function index entry for alias inverse(bug #56629).
  • add content rating declaration to AppStream metadata(bug #56466)
  • doc: Remove stray semicolons from pie, pie3 calling forms.
  • doc: Redo documentation for rats function.
  • doc: Specify position property for text objects is a three-element vector(bug #56303).
  • doc: state that Octave can only load HDF5 files created by itself(bug #56148).
  • doc: Fix names of options in issorted(bug #56087).
  • doc: Small fixes to mat2cell and polyeig docstrings(bug #55985).
  • doc: Improve example code for using -pdflatexstandalone(bug #55945).
  • doc: Refer to “root object” rather than “root figure object”.
  • doc: Place cross-reference from list of graphics object properties back to object(bug #46076).
  • doc: document the newline character in warning messages(bug #49158).
  • doc: pkg versions can be more general than “x.y.z”(bug #55798).

The above list was generated using the following command and some manualpost-processing and grouping:

Download and install Octave


There are a number of Open Source alternatives to the program MatLab, one of the most known alternatives is GNU Octave. When using Octave you use a command line to enter commands. Octave can be downloaded and installed from GNU Octave.

Install on Mac

If using Mac:

Install Homebrew.

Install XCode from App Store.

Open and run the XCode app to agree to the License Agreement.

Install XQuartz.

Import science packages, open the terminal and enter:

Install Octave (this takes time):


At the end of the process a summary is shown displaying the path to Octave. If following is shown:

then the path to Octave is /usr/local/Cellar/octave/3.8.1/bin/Octave Open AppleScript Editor and make a New Document. Write following:

where /path/to/octave is the path. Save the script as, select Application when saving.

For more information see Octave for MacOS X.

As a calculator

The easiest way to get started, is to use Octave as a calculator.

The arithmetic operators are:

There are predefined constants in Octave, some of them are listed below:

pi , e , iMake a wild guess!
Inf (infinity)Operations yielding numbers larger than the maximum
floating point will give this answer.
NaN (not a number)Operations that can not be defined in any reasonably
way will give this answer

There are also a number of predefined mathematical functions in Octave, some of them are listed below:

sin, cos, tanTrigonometric functions using radians
asin, acos, atanInverse trigonometric functions
exp, log, log10Exponential function, natural logarithm, logarithm to
the base 10
sqrtSquare root
absAbsolute value
round, floor, ceilRound to nearest integer, round down, round up
remRemainder when doing integer division

Showing more decimals

You can show more decimals by typing format long. Go back to showing few decimals by typing format short.

Exercise 1

Calculate following expressions

  1. (sqrt[5]{200})
  2. (dfrac{3cdot 10^{-3}}{0.001+sqrt{0.2}})
  3. (dfrac{2^{3+sin{0.3}}+5}{10})

You should get these answers

  1. ans = 2.8854
  2. ans = 0.0066932
  3. ans = 1.4819

You can see old commands by using up/down arrow keys.

Exercise 2

Guess the output of following commands, then check the answers given by Octave

  1. 1/0 0/0 tan(pi/2)
  2. inf+inf inf-inf inf/inf inf*inf
  3. nan+2 nan+nan

Exit Octave

Exit Octave by writing exit or quit.

Numerical variables

When evaluating the value of an expression, the result is stored in a variable called ans (answer). You can also introduce variables of your own.

Download octave for mac free

By writing who you can see all variables. If you write a semi colon at the end of the line, the output is not shown.

Naming variables

Various programs have different rules for naming entities. Although some modern programs allow for all kind of characters in names, you may run into trouble if you use characters like '-' or blank. If you want to stay on the safe side, never having to bother about naming-rules for specific programs, follow these old-school rules:

  • The first character must be an english letter : a -z, A - Z
    Some programs can handle letters like å, Æ, Ç, ü; others cannot. Use english names when programming!
  • The name can include numbers : 0 - 9
  • The name can include underscore : _

These rules apply to Octave and a number of other programs.


When writing a=5 at the command prompt, the equal-sign should not be thought of as a logical equality; a is not equal to 5, it is assigned the value 5. Having that in mind, one can write assignments like this

The statement above would be false if it was a logical statement, it is however not a logical statement but an assignment. The right-hand-side of the statement is calculated first, the result is then assigned to the variable on the left-hand-side.

Hiding the output and repeating previous commands

You can write several commands on one line by using comma, or semi colon. By using up-arrow, you can repeat the previous command, and alter it.

You can calculate a geometric series by using up-arrow several times.

Exercise 3

Calculate the series:

[sum_{i=1}^{20} left(frac{1}{i} right)^2 ]

(The answer is 1.5962)

Exercises on Sequences

A sequence is a function with the domain being the natural numbers. A sequence can be written like this (a_0,a_1,a_2,...) or like this

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[left( a_n right)_{n=0}^{infty} ]

Recurrence equations

A geometric progression can be defined in different ways. Consider the infinite geometric progression (3, 3cdot 2, 3cdot 2^2,...).

You can describe the geometric progression in two ways.

A recurrence equation:

[ left{ begin{align} a_0 &=3 a_{n+1} &=2cdot a_n, ngeq0 end{align} right. ]


An explicit formula:

[a_n=3cdot 2^n, nin mathbb{n}]

Exercise 4

Use Octave to find the limit as (nrightarrowinfty) of following sequences. Type format long to show more decimals. Try different initial values (c), do you get different limits?

  1. [ left{ begin{align} a_0 &=c a_{n+1} &=1+frac{1}{a_n}, ngeq0 end{align} right. ]
  2. [ left{ begin{align} a_0 &=c a_{n+1} &=sqrt{1+a_n}, ngeq0 end{align} right. ]

Try to explain your answers. If you fail, do the exercises on Calculus - Fixpoints.