Mac Translation Software Free

The OmegaT project and you

EuroTraductor is a free translation software. With the help of this freeware you can translate text or words into various languages such as English, French, German, Russian, Spanish, Italian, Chinese, Japanese etc. It is a lightweight software. If you are looking for a free and useful language translation software then this is the right choice. REASONS TO AVOID. The best translation software makes it simple and easy to deliver localized digital content to overseas markets. The best translation software. Click the links.

OmegaT isn't just a product; it's an exciting project, and you can bepart of it.

OmegaT is free software. That means that users like you are free todownload and use it with very little in the way of restrictions. You arealso free to copy it and pass it on to other people.

Free Translation Software For Mac

OmegaT is open-source software. That means that if you feel soinclined, you may modify OmegaT to suit your own requirements. Foradvocates of open-source software, this freedom is even more importantthan the exemption from having to pay anything.

The OmegaT project would benefit from greater support from volunteersin almost all areas. Although many users are aware of this, theirreaction is often 'But I can't program!'. Programming is certainly themost important function, and without programming, there is no program.But programming isn't the only job needing to be done. Below is a list ofareas for which further volunteers would be more than welcome!

Documentation authoring

Documentation is very important. Many of you reading this will be translators who have translated a lot of user documentation. Have you considered writing some user documentation yourself? It's a real eye-opener!


Thanks to the work of translators in the past, OmegaT's user interface and/or Help texts have been translated into several languages. That means there are only a few thousand left! Localizing OmegaT into other languages is also an ongoing task, since new features and functions are being added all the time. Please contact the OmegaT Localization Co-ordinator for details of what is involved in localizing/translating OmegaT.


One of the most useful things OmegaT users can do is... to use OmegaT. And when they find things that don't work, or deficiencies in the documentation, to tell us about them.


Have you ever written an article for your professional association's journal? If not, why not write an article on using OmegaT?


If you have found OmegaT useful and would like to express your gratitude by making a donation on our Paypal account.

Programming (Java)

Mac Translation Software Free

OmegaT is written in Java. If you're a programmer and you happen to know Java, please check the documentation in the source code under /docs_devel for information on how to get started.

Programming (not Java)

Document Translation Software Mac

If you can program in another language, you can write code to support the core application. Such auxiliary code has already been written in Javascript, Groovy and Tcl/Tk, for instance.

Mac Translation software, free download

But I can't program at all, I hear you say. Well, have you considered learning? If you are already reasonably familiar with computers in general and choose a straightforward scripting language like Javascript or Tcl/Tk, you could teach yourself enough to be able to write simple but useful scripts within just a couple of weeks. Continuing Professional Development is the current buzzword!